When the souls of the lovers are one, how can their minds be different? The sharing of mind or thought is called friendship. Aristotle said,
"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."
Friendship is another important dimension of love. Just like one can rely on friends in the hour of need, same is true with love. Love is not sustainable without the meeting of mind. Even a religious person, who loves God, actually develops a sort of friendship with God. He can communicate with God and understand His thoughts.
A man in love with his beloved knows her thoughts effortlessly. If you love your child, you are also his or her best friend. When you talk to a child, you automatically use his language, style and language to communicate. You play with him like a child. Friendship transforms you from an adult to a child. The children who love their parents are never awed by their greatness or meanness as they find them at the same level as themselves. Thus friendship is always present between people who love.
What is Love without All the Dimensions
Most people make mistake in their understanding of love. A man and woman may think that love is nothing but physical attraction. Yet such love does not sustain unless it is complete with its entire dimension. Therefore, the love based on mere physical attraction does not last long unless it is filled with compassion, respect, trust, caring, sharing and friendship. Love to God is no exception. God can not be found merely by praying or following the rituals. One has to also have compassion with God and develop friendship with Him by knowing His mind.
A lover of God must care and share His creations by doing charities and doing good for other people in the world who are all children of God. Love is therefore, rightly described as the greatest knowledge of the world as it is the means as well as the end of everything that one want to learn, feel and know.
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