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[A] Levi [B] Moses [C] Aaron [D] Joshua

Seven [7] Dimensions Of Love Part 6 - Love is Reverence

The material world has created hierarchies as every material thing has a beginning and an end and everything is measurable. Hence everything is bigger or smaller than other in some measurable criterion. However, soul is eternal and has no beginning or end. We often respect the people who or older or more knowledgeable than us in the world. Yet all men are spiritually same as everyone has the same soul. Yet each soul is manifested in this world as a different being. Since everyone has been designed for a difference purpose, hence everyone is superior to others in some respect. A young child is superior to adult in many ways. Jesus taught,

"Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3).
Thus when you love a person, you also respect him or her for what he or she is. In India when two people meet, they greet each other by calling folding their hand and calling the word "Namaste". The word Namaste consists of two Sanskrit words - namah + te - meaning " I bow to that (divinity or soul) inherent in you."

If you love your child, you respect him as a person for what he is as you see many good qualities in the child which must be respected. If you do not respect another person it simple means that you do not consider that person better than you in any respect. How can you love such a person who is inferior to you in every respect?

The reverence in the highest form takes the form of worship. People, who love God, therefore worship God as they consider God to be the highest form of the Soul who is Supreme in all respect.

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