For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life - John 3:16 (KJV). Yes, God truly loves the world. Circumstances, experiences of people, wrong information and lack of the knowledge of God have made people to wonder whether God really loves people. This article is to assure you that God surely loves and cares for people.
People for one reason or another, doubt God's love for them. Some people conclude on the nature of God by comparing Him with men who are in positions as fathers in their lives and do not love people. These are men who do not understand what it means to be a father and have failed as fathers.
Also, the perspective of people of God as one autocratic god, who has a sledge-hammer ever ready to use it without mercy, contributes to them doubting God's love. Yes, God disciplines us, as a true father should, but with the other hand He comforts us and guides us on the right path to take.
Now, an understanding of God and His love for people will wipe away all fears and misunderstandings.
God is love(1 John 4:8). It is God's nature to love. He doesn't just love people, He is love personified. And just like 2 Timothy 2:13 says, God will not deny Himself even if we don't believe. God doesn't wait for us to love Him first before He showers His love on us. If we are sincere, we will recount times that unexpected good things happened to us despite the wrong actions we took - that was God's love in action.
God loves sinners but hates sin. God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us - Romans 5:8 (AMP). This fact was also demonstrated in the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10), when Jesus visited and ate in his house. He was referred to as a sinner by people, yet Jesus ate in his house. And this love shown to him by Jesus made him turn from his evil ways. God is interested in us turning away from our sins more than in punishing us.
His love overshadows judgment. Surely whatever we sow we will reap but in the midst of the judgment God still showers us with His love. For instance, when Adam disobeyed God and obeyed the devil, God pronounced judgment on him and Eve and at the same time, made skin clothing for them, better than the leaves they were trying to use to cover themselves (Genesis 3:7,16-21).
The challenge is that guilt turns off the manifestation of God's love. When you dwell on the wrong you committed, you give the enemy the opportunity to lie to you. You will start thinking that God can't love people like you. Next, you will start expecting evil to happen to you, etc. All these will not allow you to see God reaching out to help you. Yes, He hates what you did but He still loves you.
An illustration of this truth is seen in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). When he put aside the guilt and reached out for his father, he got more than he bargained for. His father, who was longing for his return, restored him as a son. Yes, he lost his own share of the inheritance but he was welcomed home. Now, he can gradually but comfortably build up wealth for himself again.
Furthermore, adulterated information lies about God's love for people. "Faith comes by hearing..." (Romans 10:17). So also doubt comes by hearing. What you hear affects your belief system. Evil stories people hear about God paint pictures of a god that does not love people. The best place to get correct information about God is in the word of God (Bible). The bible paints the correct picture of God and His love for people.
Truly, lack of the knowledge of God is the root cause of doubt about God's genuine love for people. When you know God and experience Him, no one will ever dissuade you from believing in His love again.
Many times I have gone through challenges, but the knowledge of God's love for me keeps me steady. It also gives me the strength to reach out to Him for help. And He has never failed me. The answer may not have come immediately but I always came out victorious. One thing I am very sure of in my life is that God loves me and loves everybody.
In conclusion, God really loves people. No matter what you may be going through now or what people are saying about God, God's love for people is real and assured.
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