When something awful happens the first person that often gets blamed is God. Some catastrophes are actually called "acts of God." But the Bible tells us that the Lord is GOOD.
Because God is all knowing and all powerful, I guess it's natural for you to believe that sickness, disease and other devastating events are ordained by Him. But let me remind you that you have an enemy that wages war against you every day. I believe he is the author of everything terrible and tries to convince you that God is behind it all.
It's a strategy the devil has used for years and it keeps God's children from running to Him with open arms. Why would you be motivated to get to know someone who destroys homes, families, and dreams? No! John 10:10 tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. The thief is the devil. On the other hand, Jesus came to give you abundant life.
Some Christians believe that God allows catastrophe to teach them a lesson. But I want you to ask yourself this question. If you could, would you use a life threatening illness or a flood to teach your child a lesson? I don't think so. You want the best for your children. If you are a good parent, you will correct your child, but you wouldn't put something on them that has the potential to destroy them. If you being human wouldn't consider using devastation to teach your children, God, the best parent of all, certainly wouldn't. As one Bible teacher explained, that would be child abuse.
Let me say it again. The Lord is GOOD. You are His precious child and He wants the best for you.
Beloved, make it your endeavor to know God as He wants to be known. God is love. God is good. In light of these qualities, check out what you are allowing in your life.
Embrace God's love and receive His goodness by declaring it over your life each day. When you do, you'll find it easier to trust the Lord because you'll be convinced He has your best interest at heart.
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