Everything God has done, is doing and will do for you is motivated by love. He went to the cross for you because of love. He has given you more than 3,000 promises that address every aspect of your life because of love.
Notice that God doesn't just give love, He IS love. I guess you can say God is made of love.
The definition of love is noted in I Corinthians 13. We can apply all of these attributes to God. God is patient, kind, humble, seeks not His own. Think about that last one for a minute. All of God's commandments and His individual guidance is for YOUR benefit, not His.
Has the enemy of your soul ever tried to convince you that God doesn't think much of you? Don't believe it for a second! God NEVER thinks evil of you.
God loves truth. He "bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, His hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and He endures everything [without weakening]. GOD NEVER FAILS" - I Corinthians 13:7-8a, Amplified Bible.
This kind of love flows to you every day. You ought to remind yourself of that and embrace it.
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